Saturday, February 22, 2025

Three workshops to tame science and …

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

During the Easter holidays, HES-SO Valais-Wallis opens its doors to young people interested in science, technology and engineering. He organizes three free workshops for them that may make them want to discover this world.

Involved robots

Under “Robots, which species are endangered?” , The first workshop, scheduled for April 2, will invite people aged 14 or over to question the increasingly close ties that are forming between humans and these strange machines.

Can robots feel emotions? Can they transform, repair, reproduce? Collaborate? Can they be smart? Many of the questions that he will try to answer today, through a dual view of the social sciences and engineering.

Making a seismometer

On April 6 and 7, the second meeting relates to current events. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the last major earthquake in Valais, participants (Youth from the Orientation Course) will build their seismometer by assembling a fully developed model at the Valais School of Engineering in Sion.

Thanks to the innovative transmission system, the pen records the movements of the ground on which it is placed. This device makes it possible to understand how scientists examined those in the Earth’s crust.

Wins girls’ course

Finally, on April 8 and 9, the traditional Wins course will allow girls attending an orientation course from Valais and interested in technology to discover careers in IT, electronics, and mechanics.

By experimenting with 3D drawing on software, laser cutting, welding of electrical components or even microcontroller programming, they’ll create a custom virtual reality headset that they can take with them.

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To comply with health regulations, places are limited and registration is mandatory.

Practical information

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