Tuesday, March 4, 2025

TikTok, food on the go

Must read

Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Laurent Dagenais is one of those who are involved in this movement. The young chef from Montreal publishes his best recipes in 60 seconds each week. It has 1.3 million subscribers. A success he did not expect.

The most viral video is the tacos, with 26.5 million views! I’ve also made a video in Greece with grilled fish and grilled octopus and another in Paris, on a rooftop, where I’m making a ham and butter sandwich. »

Quote from Laurent Dagenais, Chef
Chef Laurent Dagenais and his wife photograph a TikTok capsule in their kitchen.

Chef Laurent Dagenais is in full swing, launching a capsule for TikTok.

Photo: Radio Canada/Grocery Store

With over 60 capsules manufactured, millions of views are linked. The statistics are staggering, says Laurent Dagenais.

It all started with a simple Graflax recipe. It was our third video. We put it online in the evening before going to bed, and the next day, we woke up to my phone going off, says the chef. The notifications were nonstop. There were 1.5 million views in one night!

Such a success that Chef stopped working in catering and devoted himself entirely to creating content on TikTok. But how does he live on it? care!

In just one video, I earned about three months of what I was earning from my old job. In three hours I get my salary for three months! »

Quote from Laurent Dagenais, Chef and Content Creator on TikTok

Growing influence among young people

Simone Archambault and Flora Baron are among those users who are addicted to TikTok. Having recently moved into an apartment, Simone finds the platform very practical. The recipes are very easy. It gives a lot of ideas, things I wouldn’t have thought of. It also gives access to many culinary cultures.

Her friend Flora adds that these seem really easy things. Simple things. I love when I know it won’t be long, but I know it’s going to be very, very good!

Half of TikTok users are under the age of 34. This mobile platform of Chinese origin, which was launched in 2016, benefits at least one billion users.

Content Forest

These short and exciting content are the root of TikTok’s success, notes nutritionist Cynthia Marcotte, who has been interested in the impact of social networking on food for over 8 years.

Dietitian Cynthia Marcotte's photo.

Nutritionist Cynthia Marcotte is trying to clean up the more or less credible content that is being streamed on TikTok.

Photo: Radio Canada/Grocery Store

People are looking for quick solutions and effective solutions that will help them on a daily basis. »

Quote from Cynthia Marcotte, Dietitian and Content Creator on TikTok

If Flora and Simon realize that they are spending too much time on the platform, they have also learned to be wary of misinformation circulating out there. Skeptical of their value, Flora notes that you can start making nutrition videos even if you are not an expert in nutrition. There are still specialists who are starting to say that this information is not necessarily correct.

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This is the case of nutritionist Cynthia Marcotte. However, her 10,000 subscribers can benefit from her sound advice. I talk a lot about the culture of diets, about these solutions to losing weight fast, for example. There are people who give very inappropriate advice, who will give supplements, appetite suppressants, fasting. I do binary content, which is a review of a video already created by someone else on the platform.

A new way for a nutritionist to reach an audience affected by questionable content. It’s a way to get my messages transmitted, and to reach as many people as possible, a community I haven’t touched as much as I would have liked before: young people. I share my messages in order to prevent these young people too from immersing themselves in the culture of diets.

New food critic

Photo by Anthony Tran, content creator on TikTok.

Anthony Tran tries his hand at the art of food critique on TikTok.

Photo: Radio Canada/Grocery Store

Anthony Tran, a student at HEC Montreal, is also a fan of restaurants. Several times a week, he visits all kinds of institutions and registries, in his car, his little 60-second review. Anthony says it’s just a hobby. I really love being in front of the camera, making videos, doing a little editing and then sharing what I love with my audience.

Hence, they are over 130,000 to follow the young critic on TikTok. He wants to defend his credibility. It comes with the same issues as all platforms. It all depends on the person who introduces it. Content on TikTok is gaining credibility because there are more people, doctors, lawyers or just people who are passionate about a topic that they share their passion for on this platform.

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A passion that nutritionist Cynthia Marcotte wants to spread across all platforms. When people tell me I’ve made a difference in their lives, or that they have more self-confidence, it makes a huge difference!

Simone Archambault sees nothing in her but the positive. The thing that should not be criticized in social networks is that if people start to cook more, then this is not negative, on the contrary, it can be beautiful!

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