The General Directorate of Education said in a statement, on Thursday, that a person infected with tuberculosis had been in contact with students and employees of three public schools in al-Fa`a. Hayri & Farahi Nursery and Vayaha Elementary School in Faaa. Parents and school staff have already been informed.
The sick person has been looked after, has benefited from adequate treatment and is no longer contagious, as determined by the Directorate General for the Near East (DGEE).
Le médecin et l’infirmière en charge de la lutte antituberculeuse au bureau de veille sanitaire (BVS), en coordination avec le center de consultations spécialisées en hygiène et santé scolaire (CCSHSS) et la DGEE ont organisé dépistage de l’ensé And the
School staff who have been in contact with the patient.
Remember, TB is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and transmitted through the air. This disease progresses slowly, and the patient may already be contagious before symptoms appear. It is completely cured with antibiotics.