Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Undetached Egerton Ryerson Statue in Toronto

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Toronto police confirmed that an investigation has been launched to determine who exposed the statue. Toronto police spokesman Alex Lee said he did not know how she was thrown from her base.

This statue was targeted by vandals last Tuesday.

The protests, which took place on Sunday afternoon, set off on the lawn in front of Queens Park. Organized to honor the lives of 215 children whose remains were found buried on the grounds of a former Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.

event is a An opportunity for the general Canadian public to understand the gravity of the situation. The 215 children represent stories that survivors lived through for many decades. They talk about children who did not return to their homeland, children who were killed, children who died from early causes in schools and did not receive a proper burial.One of the organizers, Brianna Olson-Pitawanaquat, explained in an interview with CBC News.

Demonstrators gathered to hear speeches before taking to the streets. Pause in front of the Egerton Ryerson statue for a while before continuing to Yonge Dundas Square.

Later in the afternoon, the statue was dismantled.

Protesters hold a banner

Protesters gather outside Queens Park in Toronto on Sunday.

Photo: Radio Canada/Kirthana Sasitharan/CBC News

Toronto police confirmed that the statue was still on its pedestal after the protesters passed.

The founder of the public education system in Ontario, Ryerson was also instrumental in shaping the Canadian residential school system.

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The university said Tuesday that a special committee, which includes extensive consultations with students, faculty and others, will prepare a report in fall 2021 on the legacy that Ryerson carried.

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