Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Variable delta is a concern in Ontario

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

Ontario health officials say they are concerned about the delta variant, which is now responsible for nearly half of the province’s new COVID-19 cases.

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According to Public Health, these cases are listed primarily in the Greater Toronto Area.

This variant, first identified in India, is spreading rapidly, and Public Health Ontario expects it to become the dominant variant in the province.

Remember that the delta variant is 60% more contagious than the original virus and carries twice the risk of hospitalization.

“This is a concern, not only because it’s increasing in Ontario, but globally, we see it as a variable that tends to take up all the space,” says D.Return Cecile Tremblay of the Department of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the University Center of Montreal (CHUM).

In the United Kingdom, the rise of a variable delta force has forced the government to delay the easing of health measures for a month, as the number of infections in that country rose.

In Quebec, the border between Ontario and Quebec has just reopened; Something to facilitate the spread of the delta variable in the province, according to some. The Montreal Public Health Authority says it is on the lookout.

“We are certainly not immune, Quebec. The Montreal region’s regional director of public health, d . saysReturn Mylene Drouin.

DrReturn Cecil Tremblay insists that “all non-essential travel must be suspended again”.

in Ottawa, ds Howard Ngo, Executive Vice President of Public Health Canada, noted the importance of receiving two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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“Two doses protect up to 90% of the delta variant, according to studies, compared to just 30% for just one,” he says.

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