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We must act now to meet the demand

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category in: health, covid-19
subject : Opinion polls and research

Today, the Conference Board of Canada released an updated report highlighting the obsolescence of Canadian medical imaging equipment compared to its international counterparts.

Ottawa, ONAnd 25 May 2022 /CNW/ – The Canadian Conference Board released a report today: Canadian Medical Imaging Equipment 2022a comprehensive report on the current state of medical imaging in Canada, which has led to serious delays in patient care in recent years.

This report reveals that Canada lags behind other developed nations in healthcare capital investment, capital investment stabilization strategies, innovative capital financing instruments, and the latter’s planning and allocation. Canada In particular, it lags behind international standards regarding medical imaging and replacement equipment. In fact, 35% of Canadian equipment is ten years old or more. Ce chiffre dpasse largement la rgle d’or du Comit europen de coordination de l’industrie radiologique, lectromdicale et de technologies de l’information pour les soins de sant (COCIR) selon laquelle, idalement, seulement 10% des quipements devraients avoirx Or more.

Medical imaging is at the heart of healthcare in Canada. It intervenes in patients’ lives at various stages of their care. Dr. said. Jill SolisPresident of the Central African Republic. Mr. Solis added that this report clearly shows that Canada needs to make fundamental changes to its approach to medical imaging equipment and technology in order to meet demand and help protect the lives of its people.

In 2013, the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) took the initiative to develop Life Cycle Guidelines for Medical Imaging Equipment in CanadaThe Canadian Conference Board Report provides an in-depth review of the latest updates in the medical imaging literature, explores the dramatic changes that have occurred in the health technology sector since the 2013 CAR Report, and compares the current state of Canada compared to other countries with a similar healthcare system.

Rapid access to medical imaging is essential to improving patient outcomes and the experience of healthcare professionals who provide care. He said increased waiting times are also imposing significant costs on the Canadian economy Chad LeverDirector of Health, Conference Board Canada. Canada lags behind other countries in health capital investment, which does not allow our health care systems to be properly equipped to face the future. This is more important than ever, as timely access to medical imaging will be key to the success of provincial and territorial strategies aimed at reducing the delays in surgical and cancer care faced by Canadians and health care providers.

Medical imaging technology is advancing rapidly, Solis said, and Canada’s approach to the maintenance and life of medical imaging equipment falls short of internationally recognized goals. He added that Canada lags behind other countries in adopting innovative approaches as it continues to focus on outdated medical imaging management methods.

Report conclusions Canadian Medical Imaging Equipment 2022 Support the recommendations of the Central African Republic addressed to the federal government and set out in Presentation of the 2022 budget. These recommendations call for increased funding to replace obsolete medical imaging equipment and deal with growing waiting lists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also supports CAR’s call for the need to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to set strategic priorities within health human resources, technologies, and medical imaging infrastructure.

In Canada, before the pandemic, it was estimated that the average waiting time for a CT scan was 50 to 82 days and could be up to 89 days for an MRI, 20 to 52 days longer than the recommended 30-day waiting time, he said. Mr. Solis. This backlog of work has increased dramatically during the pandemic, and according to a survey of Central African Republic members, most centers cannot handle this extra workload, he adds. Unless additional investment is made in equipment and human resources, and if we don’t update the way we prioritize imaging tests and associated requests, the future looks bleak.

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around the car

The Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) is the national association of radiologists in Canada. As the national voice of excellence in medical imaging in patient care, the Central African Republic is committed to promoting the highest standards of care, lifelong learning and research opportunities, and helping radiologists deliver the best possible healthcare to patients.

About the Canadian Conference Board

The Canadian Conference Board is the country’s premier independent research organization. Our mission is to inspire leaders and help them build a better future for all Canadians through trusted research and unparalleled relationships. Follow the Canadian Congress Council on TwitterTweet embed.

SOURCE Canadian Association of Radiologist. Canadian Association of Radiologists Source

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