WhatsApp continues to test new features and should satisfy users who share large videos. Our colleagues from WABetaInfowho is a reference in the matter, found out that tests are underway in Argentina to reduce the file size limit from 100MB to 2GB.
Note that this change currently only affects a small number of Argentine users who are using the latest beta version of the app on iOS or Android.
At the moment, WhatsApp has not officially announced the arrival of this volume increase. But if it becomes official, the social network will subsequently catch up with Telegram, which allows sharing of files up to 2 GB.
See also the video:
Meanwhile, WhatsApp has published a file “Linked Devices” function. This allows simultaneous access to the network with up to five devices. The connection is maintained even if the main device is no longer connected to the Internet. This makes it easy to use the web version of the application, for example, on a laptop. This functionality was launched in beta in September 2021.
source : WABetaInfo
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