Sunday, March 9, 2025

Why not relax after the first dose

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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As vaccination increases in France, doctors are concerned that the French’s barrier signals will relax after receiving their first dose. Some have reported patients with Covid-19 accessing their services, but being vaccinated first.

Almost 24 million French have already received at least one dose of a vaccine against Covid-19, according to the latest data from health authorities, or more than 35% of the population. This first injection provides a certain immunity, but for it to be adequately protected, and in the long term, a second dose is still necessary. In this sense, many doctors have alerted to “vaccine syndrome” after seeing patients who were first vaccinated with the Covid-19 virus.

“We have more and more of this type of patients in our wards. They see their first dose as a totem, whereas the first antibodies don’t appear until two weeks later and then gradually climb up. I call it. Vaccine syndrome,” he explains to Parisian Benjamin Davido, an infectious disease specialist at Garches Hospital (Hauts-de-Seine).

“People fail in intensive care while they are vaccinated.”

“I got feedback from the field on this,” abounds with Jérôme Martí, general practitioner, president of the French Federation of Free Medicine. He mentions, for example, the case of a person whose entire family was infected after taking a dose. He explains that “there are people who fail in intensive care when they are vaccinated,” explaining that these cases remained marginal.

Same remark by Bruno Mégarbane, Head of the Intensive Care Unit at Lariboisière Hospital (Paris): “We’ve seen several yes, including the one who went into intensive care,” he explains to

Health insurance website A Harris Interactive poll was quoted in February in which it stated, “1 in 5 people think we can stop following barrier gestures after the first dose of a vaccine against Covid-19. 1 in 4 people believe that once vaccinated, they do not do it more beneficial.” Wearing the mask in the presence of relatives. “

“Once we are vaccinated and meet family or friends, we tend to get close, tighten hands, and kiss each other again,” she notes.Europe 1 Jean-Michel Constantin, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Petit-Salpetriere Hospital (Paris).

For Bruno Mégarbane, the decreased attention span that could be linked to subsequent contamination of the vaccine is not necessarily due to the impression that the first injection protects. If there is less vigilance, it may also be due to the fact that “the epidemic is receding in France, the stands are open, and restrictions have been lifted.”

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Two weeks after the second dose

However, it is important to remember that in the fifteen days following the injection of the first dose, the effects of vaccination – immunity and protection against symptomatic conditions – are not yet effective. Full and lasting protection comes two weeks after the injection of the second dose. En ce sens, il est nécessaire de continuer à observer les gestes barrières pour se protéger d’une contamination, mais aussi protéger les autres, car si une personne vaccinée semble être moins contagieuse – selon première études – elle peut quand même other people.

“In theory, we’re supposed to explain this to people when they are vaccinated,” explains Bruno Mégarbane. As for Jerome Marty, “This must be clarified. There is a lack of a public health campaign in France, and there is a lack of information” on this topic, says the doctor.

And the government has made it clear time and time again Even when vaccinated, it was important to continue to respect the barrier gesturesAs it reads at the end of one of their ads: “For now, even if they are vaccinated, let’s continue to apply barrier gestures and wear the mask.”

If the health situation in France improves in recent weeks, then Covid-19 continues to spread in the region at levels that remain important. More than 500 people have been hospitalized with Covid-19 cases every day over the past seven days, and an average of 140 have been in intensive care. 116 people have died from Coronavirus in the past 24 hours.

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